
Professor Jacobs Lorena from Johns Hopkins University Was Invited to Ge Hong Master Forum

Date:24-06-2013   |   【Print】 【close

At 4 pm on May 29, a new session of “Ge Hong Master Forum” was held in No.1 Lecture Hall of Wuhan Institute of Virology. Professor Jacobs Lorena from Johns Hopkins University, the USA, delivered an academic report named “Fighting Malaria with Engineered Symbiotic Bacteria from Vector Mosquitoes” to all the teachers and students of the Institute.
In his report, Professor Jacobs Lorena introduced malaria in details at first. Malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis are the three severest diseases that affect developing countries and Malaria does tremendous harm worldwide especially in Africa and Southeast Asia. Mosquitoes are the main source of the spreading of malaria. Professor Jacobs Lorena then explained how plasmodia grow and reproduce inside mosquitoes and how they intruded into human body and caused the disease. At last, Professor Jacobs Lorena led the research team to carry out in-depth research on how to use genetically engineered bacteria to kill mosquitoes and eliminate malaria.

Professor Jacobs Lorena graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and now works for the Malaria Institute of the School of Public Health, John Hopkins University. He has been engaged in biology and immunology studies for many years. As a member of Federation of American Scientists, he won John Diekhoff Award for Outstanding Graduate and was elected as one of the 50 most excellent American scientists by Scientific American. Professor Jacobs Lorena now also works as an editor for many periodicals such as Insect Molecular Biology and Insect Science, and has published 112 theses and 30 reviews on famous international magazines.